Cereal cooling, drying, handling and storage systems Tecnograin Installations and equipment for cereal drying, storage, handling and cooling

Tecnograin has been engaged in development and production of silos for cereal storage and drying systems, conveyors, elevators, loading and unloading robotized units, cleaners, cooling systems, cold rooms and air blowing systems since 1987.

Cereal cooling, drying, handling and storage systems Grain chilling, drying, handling and storage systems

Installations and equipment for cereal drying, storage, handling and cooling

Cereal refrigeration, drying, handling and storage
The Cereal refrigeration, drying and storage company profile
Cereal cooling, storage, handling and drying systems
Cereal equipments images
Tecnograin cooling technology
References and installations of cereal drying, storage, handling and cooling systems
Cereal conservation links
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Grain cooling, drying and storage

Conserving is an art

Conservare è un'Arte
Our movie "Conserving is an art" (WMV - 4 MB)

Since 1987 Tecnograin Carlini Srl has studied, designed and developed every kind of structure and system for storage, handling, drying and cooling cereals and oleaginous products in order to conserve products as long as necessary at the best conditions, at the same time granting the conformity to European Rules.

"Quod conservatum est salvatum"
(What is conserved is saved)

Structures and systems for storage, handling, drying and cooling cereals and oleaginous products

Grain drying, cooling and storage
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