Strutture, impianti e prodotti per la refrigerazione,
essiccazione e stoccaggio di cereali e oleaginose.

Structures, plants engineering and products
for cereal refrigeration, drying and storage.

Structures, plants engineering and products for cereal refrigeration, drying and storage
Grain and cereal refrigeration, grain and cereal drying, grain and cereal storage
Refrigerazione, essiccazione e stoccaggio di cereali Cereal refrigeration, drying and storage

Refrigerazione, essiccazione, stoccaggio cereali | Cereal refrigeration, drying and storage
Via Aldo Moro, 23 | 46010 Curtatone (MN) Italy | Tel.: +39 0376.478584-5 | Fax: +39 0376.478530
E-mail: | P.I. 00526380209 | Reg.Imp. MN 00526380209 | Cap.soc. € 90.000,00 i.v.
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